Boffin I

Boffin 100
Electronic kit Boffin 100 contains 30 components, from which more than 100 circuits can be built. Which includes : Lamp, doorbell, reflection detector and for example voice or light controlled light bulb.
Base for all projects is a board to which all components are snapped onto. Manual describes function of each project and what to expect from it. You can check that everything works after assembly.
With the current components you can devise hundreds of additional projects, which aren't described in the included manual or you can combine parts and projects from different Boffin kits.
Boffin I – kits follow up each other and the higher version includes the same components as the lower version:
Boffin I 100
Boffin I 300 = Boffin I 100 + parts and additional projects
Boffin I 500 = Boffin I 100 + Boffin I 300 + parts and additional projects
Boffin I 750 = Boffin I 100 + Boffin I 300 + Boffin I 500 + parts and additional projects
- Hundreds of different projects
- Option to invent and build your own projects
- Components are interchange
- Detailed manual with component placement and description of the function of the project
- Component colour coding for better orientation
- Simple assembly and disassembly of the projects
Package contents:
1x board
30x parts (example conductors, speaker, photoresistor, motor with propeller and more)
1x detailed manual with pictures of all the components and projects (on the included DVD of thumb drive)
· Option to build hundreds or projects
· 30 components included
· Possibility to combine with other Boffin kits
· 2x AA batteries (not included)
· Suitable for kids from 8 years and up

Boffin 300
Elektronická stavebnice Boffin 300 obsahuje 60 součástek, ze kterých lze sestavit tyto obvody:
Detektor lži, rádio, vodní alarm, tlakoměr, detektor pohybu, měřič odporu, zvuková vlna, laser a další. Celkem 300 projektů, které jsou všechny popsány v přiloženém manuálu.
Základem všech projektů je deska, na kterou se všechny součástky nacvakávají. Manuál popisuje funkci každého projektu a co od něj očekávat. Po sestavení můžete zkontrolovat, zda vše funguje.
Se stávajícími součástkami můžete vymyslet stovky dalších projektů, které nejsou popsány v přiloženém manuálu, nebo můžete kombinovat součástky a projekty z různých sad Boffin.
Boffin I – sady na sebe navazují a vyšší verze obsahuje stejné součástky jako nižší verze:
Boffin I 100
Boffin I 300 = Boffin I 100 + součástky a další projekty
Boffin I 500 = Boffin I 100 + Boffin I 300 + součástky a další projekty
Boffin I 750 = Boffin I 100 + Boffin I 300 + Boffin I 500 + součástky a další projekty
- Stovky různých projektů
- Možnost vymyslet a sestavit vlastní projekty
- Součástky jsou zaměnitelné
- Podrobný manuál s umístěním součástek a popisem funkce projektu
- Barevné rozlišení součástek pro lepší orientaci
- Jednoduché sestavování a rozebírání projektů
Obsah balení:
1x deska
60x součástky (například vodiče, rezistor, kondenzátor, mikrofon, anténa a další)
1x podrobný manuál s obrázky všech součástek a projektů (na přiloženém DVD nebo USB flash disku)
· Možnost sestavit stovky projektů
· 60 součástek v balení
· Možnost kombinovat s jinými sadami Boffin
· 4x AA baterie (nejsou součástí balení)
· Vhodné pro děti od 8 let

Boffin 500
Electronic kit Boffin 500 contains 75 components, from which these circuits can be built:
FM Radio, Playback, Telegraph, Voice and touch controlled music, Bird singing, Police car, ambulance siren or gun sound and more. 500 projects in total, that are all described in included manual.
Base for all projects is a board to which all components are snapped onto. Manual describes function of each project and what to expect from it. You can check that everything works after assembly.
With the current components you can devise hundreds of additional projects, which aren't described in the included manual or you can combine parts and projects from different Boffin kits.
Boffin I – kits follow up each other and the higher version includes the same components as the lower version:
Boffin I 100
Boffin I 300 = Boffin I 100 + parts and additional projects
Boffin I 500 = Boffin I 100 + Boffin I 300 + parts and additional projects
Boffin I 750 = Boffin I 100 + Boffin I 300 + Boffin I 500 + parts and additional projects
- Hundreds of different projects
- Option to invent and build your own projects
- Components are interchange
- Detailed manual with component placement and description of the function of the project
- Component colour coding for better orientation
- Simple assembly and disassembly of the projects
Package contents:
1x board
75x parts (example conductors, diode, capacitor, microphone, integrated circuit and more)
1x detailed manual with pictures of all the components and projects (on the included DVD of thumb drive)
· Option to build hundreds or projects
· 75 components included
· Possibility to combine with other Boffin kits
· 4x AA batteries (not included)
· Suitable for kids from 8 years and up

Boffin 750
Electronic kit Boffin 750 contains 80 components, from which more than 750 circuits can be built. Those include: Lie detector, compass, FM radio, solar panel projects. The kit can be connected to a PC and get much more from the projects.
Base for all projects is a board to which all components are snapped onto. Manual describes function of each project and what to expect from it. You can check that everything works after assembly.
With the current components you can devise hundreds of additional projects, which aren't described in the included manual or you can combine parts and projects from different Boffin kits.
Boffin I – kits follow up each other and the higher version includes the same components as the lower version:
Boffin I 100
Boffin I 300 = Boffin I 100 + parts and additional projects
Boffin I 500 = Boffin I 100 + Boffin I 300 + parts and additional projects
Boffin I 750 = Boffin I 100 + Boffin I 300 + Boffin I 500 + parts and additional projects
- Hundreds of different projects
- Option to invent and build your own projects
- Components are interchange
- Detailed manual with component placement and description of the function of the project
- Component colour coding for better orientation
- Simple assembly and disassembly of the projects
Package contents:
1x board
80x parts (example solar panel, vibrational switch, electromagnet and more)
1x detailed manual with pictures of all the components and projects (on the included DVD of thumb drive)
· Option to build hundreds or projects
· 80 components included
· Possibility to combine with other Boffin kits
· 4x AA batteries (not included)
· Suitable for kids from 8 years and up